1 Year Anniversary
Does time sneak by and you realize after the fact you missed an important date? Well, it did for me this month. I missed a big personal milestone involving Thrifty to Nifty. It was a year ago, June 6, 2015, that I decided to take my hush, hush private hobby and share it with the public in a tangible way. From beyond the photos and written blog posts, I ventured out and opened a small retail space in my hometown. Happy Anniversary, Thrifty To Nifty.

One year anniversary at Treasures
Returning to my hometown repeatedly meant an adventure to see what new or different shops have sprung up in the area. I found myself returning to a quaint shop call Treasures over and over again. This store is one of those places when you walk in the door all your senses come to life. My first reaction when I encountered Treasures, was the smell. Oh my! From the essential oils to all the yummy candles made me instantaneously take a deep relaxing breath. Following that experience, my ears and eyes opened wide. This establishment hosts a variety of vendors with all sorts of gifted skills. One must make a a few passes around the store just to make sure nothing is missed. If you would like to see all the wonderful items available, take a look at the photos on Treasures Facebook page. It will give you an idea of what I am talking about. After many frequent visits, I felt a nudge to share my thrifty creations in a retail space. Believe me! It took quite a bit of courage to inquire about renting space and pitching my “craft” as a good addition to the store. Deep down, I really thought,” Who would buy my stuff?”.

Thrifty to Nifty 1 year Anniversary
Well, it all worked. Happy Anniversary! I have been there for a year with a successful little booth and guess what! People are are buying my stuff! Crazy! I am really grateful to my friends whom have encouraged me to “come out of hiding” and share my secret with everyone else and to Treasures for allowing me to join their family. I have had such fun with it. Now, on to the next year!
Happy Anniversary, Mary, and congratulations! Your stuff is so awesome. I am always inspired with how you take something and turn it into something fantastic. Good luck in the future. 🙂
Life With Lorelai
Lorelai @ Life With Lorelai recently posted…Wine & Chocolate Gift Jar
Thank you Lorelai, I’m so amazed how the time flew by
Happy Anniversary! I would so buy your stuff if I lived nearby. I’m always amazed at how talented you are and how you can take a tired and/or broken piece of furniture and totally make it into something that makes me say, “WOW!” Congrats to you and many, many more!
Alli recently posted…Patriotic Tabletop, Signature Drink and More
Thanks Alli that is so sweet of you to say that. I’m not sure of many many more but I am enjoying it right now!
Happy Anniversary and good for you! You took the plunge and look at you now! You have a talent which shows. I’m so glad it has worked out well for you and especially that you are doing something you enjoy and making a profit in the process!
Shirley recently posted…3 Don’t Miss Sites at Andersonville, Ga.
Thanks Shirley, It’s has been fun. I intend to keep it that way
Congratulations Mary on this accomplishment. Sometimes fear holds us back from pursuing our dreams. I am glad you decided to take the plunge and go for it. How nice that folks are buying yours stuff (now I see where all your finds are going). So glad you eventually remembered your anniversary!!
Thanks, Zan for the well wishes. My hope is the next year will be just as fun