Bufftet found at garage sale
Garage Sale
For as long as I can remember, I have always been a thrifty shopper. Saturdays were the day I embarked on the “great deal search”. However, once I became a stay at home mom, Friday’s turned into the day of the hunt. This could include garage sales, thrift stores, flea markets and also the great curbside find. My boys could spot a garage sale sign before I could. It just became a part of our weekly routine. Fridays became “Friday Find Time” at garage sales.
Now that they are teens, they would not be caught dead going to such places. I’m happy to say they still have my back and don’t give too much eye rolling when I pull over at the curb and ask them to use their muscles to load whatever finds may be. It’s just who I am and they know it.
Fridays are now the day I go on the hunt. I scour for garage sale signs on the way to taking the boys to school or I consult Craigslist to map out a route. Take a look at my latest finds. These pieces will need TLC but I have a vision for them. Stop back soon and see the transformations.
What have you found lately? Let me know. I love a great find!