I have been busy treasure hunting since the beginning of spring. So much as to the point I have to call it quits on any new purchases. It is time I got busy and started tackling these must needed transformations. Looking at the pile can be a bit overwhelming, so I decided to do a piece that would take the least amount of effort. This lead me to do a rocking chair redo. In a previous … [Read more...]
Front Door Refresh Part II
It's July people!! In Wisconsin that means summer is half over. No really! It arrives and leaves in a flash so we are programmed here to pack as much outdoor time in as possible. We were blessed this pasted weekend with gorgeous weather. This allowed me to spend extra time getting some of my patiently waiting projects out of the way. One in particular has been finishing my front door … [Read more...]
Repurposed Decorating Ideas
Ever wonder how to decorate with thrift store finds? For me, I have no plan. When I go treasure hunting, I purchase items that speak to me. Honestly they do! They practically jump right out at me. It probably is my style or something that clicks from seeing ideas in a magazine or on a blog. However, if I purchase an item, it doesn't mean I'll use it right away. I have had things sit for a … [Read more...]
Hi-HO Silver
Are you familiar with Miss Mustard Seed? She is a very creative vintage inspired blogger whom I love to follow and get inspired. By no means am I even close to her talent, however, she does inspire me. Not too long ago, I was reading her blog and found out she has a thing for vintage/ or vintage looking rocking horses. http://missmustardseed.com/2014/01/rocking-horse-part-2/ This came … [Read more...]