I have been asked multiple of times how did I start shopping thrift stores, garage sales, and flea markets. To tell you the truth, I don't recall, but I'm guessing it had to be a financial reason during my college years. There are plenty of reasons why people become treasure hunters. I am familiar with many retired couples that enjoy it as a hobby, or have witnessed people who treat it as a … [Read more...]
Pottery Barn Look Alike-Shop My Stash
I thought it would be a great goal this year for me/ Thrifty to Nifty to try to shop my stash before going out and purchasing new "projects". Little did I know I could come up with quite a few ideas to share with you. Some of these projects will be quite simple... gather and assemble ans some will need a little love and a tweeking. All in all, I'm looking forward to the creativity … [Read more...]
Picture Frames
I"m not sure if any of you even noticed.., but I did not do a single post in the month of December. It wasn't that I was not doing anything related to being thrifty. ( Seriously, that's automatic for me.) It's just was that I was in a funk and the thought of sitting down and typing felt too much like homework. Therefore, I am going to be playing catch-up on all December happenings. My dear … [Read more...]
Repurposed Decorating Ideas
Ever wonder how to decorate with thrift store finds? For me, I have no plan. When I go treasure hunting, I purchase items that speak to me. Honestly they do! They practically jump right out at me. It probably is my style or something that clicks from seeing ideas in a magazine or on a blog. However, if I purchase an item, it doesn't mean I'll use it right away. I have had things sit for a … [Read more...]
Painted Black Desk
Painted Black Desk Let me tell you a story about this little black desk. A few summers ago when I was out and about on a Friday Find, I came across this desk at a garage sale. I fell in love with it immediately but did not take it home. Why? I’m not sure. Days passed and I was still thinking about it. I was picturing it in a perfect spot in my home. I could have … [Read more...]
Thrifty Decorating—-What it Looks Like
Not long ago, a dear friend that I have not seen in a while stopped by my house. Upon entering she commented how the change ups in the living room looked great. Of course I accepted the comliment but in the same moment felt very awkward. My furnishings and home decor are thrifty flea markets, garage sales ,and thrift stores finds. How could someone really think these second hand things look … [Read more...]